Information for Consumers

We believe that our professional approach and the results of our work cannot give rise to any disputes between us and our clients. Nevertheless, we are required to inform all our consumer clients that the Czech Bar Association has been authorised by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic to resolve consumer disputes out of court in cases involving disputes between lawyers and consumers arising from contracts for legal services. The website of the designated authority is


Client Information on the Processing of Personal Data


The protection of our clients’ personal data is of paramount importance to our firm. Therefore, we would like to inform you that we have taken all necessary measures to ensure compliance with the obligations outlined in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the  Council (General Data Protection Regulations, or GDPR).


The personal data of our clients, as data subjects, is primarily processed for the purpose of fulfilling the contract concluded with the client. Without the processing of personal data, it would not be possible to effectively perform a contract for legal services. Our law firm shall ensure that personal data is not processed in a manner incompatible with the specified purpose of processing. Additionally, we only retain our clients’ personal data for the period necessary, and no longer than the period required by applicable legal regulations.


We provide all clients with the opportunity to exercise their rights under the GDPR and Act No. 110/2019 Coll. on the Processing of Personal Data. These rights include, in particular:

  • The right to access personal data under Article 15 of the GDPR
  • The right to rectify personal data under Article 16 of the GDPR
  • The right to erase personal data under Article 17(1)(a), (c) to (f) of the GDPR
  • The right to restrict the processing of personal data under Article 18 of the GDPR
  • The right to data portability under Article 20 of the GDPR
  • The right to object in case of dissatisfaction with the processing of personal data
  • The right to file a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection

It should be noted, that due to the legal requirements associated with the practice of law, the exercise of certain data subject rights may be partially restricted—however, this will always be within the legal limits.

For further information regarding data subject rights, you may visit the website of the Office for Personal Data Protection or contact us directly at


Client Information on the Processing of Personal Data in Connection with AML Compliance


The lawyers at our firm are obliged entities under Act No. 253/2008 Coll., on Certain Measures Against the Legalisation of Proceeds from Crime and Financing of Terrorism, as amended (hereinafter AML Act). In accordance with the provisions of the AML Act, we are bound to adopt requisite measures to fulfil the obligations imposed thereunder, including the identification and verification of clients. For this purpose, we are required to collect and retain personal data of clients and obtain copies of the documents used to verify aforementioned data.


  1. Scope of Processed Data

The following personal data is processed: full name, personal identification number, and, if not assigned, date of birth and gender; also place of birth, permanent or other residence, nationality, occupation, identification card number, a photograph from the ID card, and other information contained in the identification document. In the case of a sole trader or self-employed individual, data about their business name, distinguishing addition or other designations, registered office, and identification number of the person, will also be processed. Further, contact details such as telephone numbers and email addresses may also be processed as necessary.


  1. Duration of data Processing

Personal data shall be processed for a period of ten (10) years following the termination of the business relationship or the completion of the legal services provided, whichever is applicable.


  1. Purpose of Data Processing

The processing of personal data is undertaken solely for the purpose of fulfilling the legal obligations imposed upon us by the AML Act and related legislation, which aims to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism.


  1. Form of Data Processing (Recording, Copying Documents, Evaluation, Archiving)

Personal data may be recorded in both electronic and paper form, along with documents verifying the accuracy of the data provided. Copies of these verification documents may be made and retained for the duration of the necessary period as prescribed by law, ensuring compliance with the statutory obligations.


  1. Rights of Data Subjects and the Possibility to Limit or Exclude Data Processing

As a data subject, you are entitled to exercise your rights to access, correct, restrict, and delete your personal data, as provided for under Act No. 110/2019 Coll. on the Processing of Personal Data, as amended, and in accordance with the provisions of the AML Act.


  1. Disclosure of Personal Data

Personal data may only be disclosed or transfered in accordance with Act No. 110/2019 Coll. on the Processing of Personal Data, as amended, and in compliance with the AML Act.


  1. Supervisory Authority

The competent supervisory authorities responsible for ensuring compliance with the AML Act are the Czech Bar Association and the Financial Analytical Office.